Email support
What is the email support service?
Our email support service is an online facility where you can send us an email at any time, and one of our trained women and AFAB non-binary volunteers will email you back. We aim to respond within 15 days, although it may take us longer at times, depending on our capacity.
The email support service provides you with a safe space to share as little or as much as you would like to. If you would find it helpful, you can share difficult feelings and talk about difficult situations. We will read your email and send you a supportive response without offering advice or telling you what to do. If you would like, you can reply to this and continue the conversation, and receive ongoing email support.
We can ask questions and help you explore your options, and if you ask us for information about other forms of support, we can help provide this too.
Who is the service for?
Our email support service is available for those who have been subjected to, or are being subjected to, any form of sexual violence and/or abuse, and who are:
- women
- girls
- AFAB non-binary individuals
- individuals who have experienced oppression as women
This includes women and girls who are trans.
It doesn’t matter when this abuse happened, whether recently or a long time ago, we are here for you.
The service is for these survivors of all ages, backgrounds and sexual orientation and who feel comfortable receiving support from a service that is run by women for women.
We are also here for woman, girl and AFAB non-binary supporters who are supporting these survivors, personally or professionally.
Email support address
Useful resources
Other support services
If you have any queries about the email support service, please have a read through our FAQs below. If you don’t find the answer you need, you can contact us at:

“I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone that has contacted me through this email service. You have all helped more than you will ever know and I am eternally grateful for every single word in every single email.”

“Thank you so much for everything, you will never know how much it has helped me and continues to do so, knowing I have people I can talk to about my experience.”

“Sending that email was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am so grateful for the reply I received, it was amazing and really, I guess, life-changing.”

“Taking that step and emailing CRCC has changed a lot for me. I’m not sure if I can ever really thank them enough.”

“I used to feel really alone with my memories and although they will always be there, I don’t have to be so alone with it anymore. They made me realise it is okay to need help and to ask for it and to receive it.”

“For the first time I felt listened to, I felt like every word I had written had been considered and replied to in a carefully thought out way. I felt understood and most importantly I didn’t feel alone anymore.”