Information and resources for parents or carers of a survivor
It can be extremely difficult to hear that your child has been abused or sexual assaulted, and you may feel a lot of different emotions as result – anger, shame and guilt are common.
If your child is telling you that they have been hurt by someone else, even if it’s someone you trust completely, the most important things you can do are:
- Listen to them.
- Believe them.
- Continue to offer unconditional support and love.
- Be patient with them.
- Encourage them.
- Reassure them that their feelings are normal.
- Give them choices.
It is also really important that you look after yourself at this time. Supporting a loved one who has experienced sexual violence can bring up a lot of complex feelings for you as well. It’s important that you take note of these and have a safe space where you are able to express them.
Getting support
Our helpline, email and live chat support services offer confidential emotional support for women and girls who are supporting a female survivor.
The Rape Crisis England and Wales 24/7 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line offers emotional support for anyone aged 16+ in England and Wales who is supporting a survivor of sexual violence.
Safeline runs the National Male Survivor Helpline which offers emotional support for men who are supporting a survivor. We Stand provides support services for non-abusing parents and carers whose children have been sexually abused.
If you are a supporter of a survivor, we can signpost you to organisations that provide specialist counselling support – please email for more information.

Family and friends guide
This guide is for family and friends supporting a person who has been raped or sexually assaulted, recently or in the past.